What are you looking for?

When you are ready to add striping to your parking lot, we are the partners you need for the project. We have the expertise and can ensure that your lot adheres to requirements found in the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design, the document that currently identifies acceptable standards for accommodating mobility issues nationwide. Texas has specific state requirements, too, including that wheelchair-accessible parking spots must include the International Symbol of Accessibility painted on the pavement in a noticeable color. Contact our team of asphalt experts to learn more about parking lot striping and ADA compliance in Central Texas.

ADA Compliant Parking Lots

If you are remodeling an older parking lot in Central Texas, you must bring it up to current ADA compliance. Accessible parking spaces are those that make getting to the building’s entrance the easiest, even though the spaces may not be the closest to the building.

Depending on how many parking spaces your lot has, a certain number of them must be accessible. If you have fewer than 25 spaces, at least one must be accessible, with one more added for each additional 25 spots up to 500 spaces. Accessible spots must total two percent of your spaces if you have 501 through 1,000. One of every six accessible spots must accommodate a van, and if you are only required to provide one accessible spot, it must be van-accessible.

Some Businesses Must Offer Additional Spaces

Although some parking lots are exempt from ADA rules, some fall under different standards. The striping rules are different in areas where more people with mobility issues gather, particularly medical-related facilities. Hospitals providing outpatient and visitor parking must dedicate 10 percent of their spaces to accessibility, while outpatient physical therapy businesses must provide 20 percent accessible spaces.

The Striping Process

Measure twice, paint once is our mantra when it comes to striping parking lots to be ADA-compliant in Central Texas. For example, a spot accessible to a van must be eight feet wide, and adjacent access aisles that run the length of the space must be another eight feet wide. Car-accessible spaces are at least eight feet wide, with an access aisle of at least five feet.

Once we calculate the measurements for the appropriate spaces, we begin the painting process.

Call Today for Parking Lot Striping and ADA Compliance Services in Central Texas

We offer a free consultation to discuss your specific needs for parking lot striping and ADA compliance in Central Texas. During this initial meeting, we will give you an idea of how much the job will cost and how long it will take from start to finish. Call Integrity Paving today for your free quote.

Schedule your free, on-site consultation and estimate today! Call Integrity Paving & Coatings at (512) 853-9009 or get your quote online.

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