Crack Fill is your first defense against significant pavement deterioration.
Crack Fill is a mix of asphalt and rubber, installed in cracks between 1/8” and 1” wide. It seals cracks to prevent water from damaging the sub base. It also serves to create a more uniform surface for seal coating.
Integrity uses Spec Plus, another high quality product from Neyra Industries. It contains higher rubber content for improved bonding, and works effectively with both asphalt and concrete. Spec Plus includes UV inhibitors to protect against damaging sunlight. It is considered non-hazardous by the EPA and designed to expand and contract with the asphalt or concrete it is protecting.
Seal coating often has trouble bonding with lower priced Crack Fill. Spec Plus is engineered to provide seal coating an ideal bond.
Crack Filling will preserve the pavement adjacent to the cracks; preventing sand, stone, and dirt from making its way into open cracks causing compressive stresses.
Crack Filling extends pavement life by minimizing crack expansion.
Proper attention to cracks prevents problems from spreading. Pavement repair in the early stages of deterioration pays dividends later by delaying costly resurfacing.
Periodic and preventative maintenance is the key. A few hundred dollars invested each year in Crack Filling could save you thousands in future repairs.
Areas breaking up (alligatoring) with loose blocks that can be dislodged requires removing damaged asphalt, installing compacted base as required and replacing with hot mix type D asphalt.
Sections of pavement with large connecting cracks will require asphalt replacement.
Missing base material and asphalt heaved or sunken requires correcting sub base and replacing asphalt.