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While central Texas doesn’t get nearly as much rainfall as most other parts of the United States, any outdoor asphalt or concrete pavement you put on your property is bound to have precipitation—or some other liquid, like oil or gasoline—running...
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Asphalt pavement looks great immediately after it’s laid down, but anyone who’s ever had an asphalt lot or driveway on their property knows how quickly bad weather can make their pavement both visually and structurally unsound. To minimize this type...
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While thin layers of asphalt or concrete are often perfectly fine if only pedestrians and bicyclists will travel on top of it, most surface lots around central Texas need to be prepared to handle much heavier loads. As many people...
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There are hundreds of big and small decisions you’ll need to make when embarking on any kind of construction project. One of the biggest ones is choosing what type of material you’ll want to build your parking lot or other...
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The Americans with Disabilities Act fundamentally changed how public spaces around the United States are designed and constructed, including parking lots. You should be aware of several best practices for ADA compliance in parking lot design before you draft a...
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Anyone who has ever seen dishware crack apart because of extreme temperatures has a basic idea of how temperature fluctuations affect asphalt and concrete longevity. It is essential to understand that pavement degradation caused by temperature changes and other weather...
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When asphalt lots and roads are properly installed and maintained, they can last for decades, even with regular heavy traffic. However, even paved walking paths, that only experience foot traffic, will undergo wear and tear over time, especially in areas...
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Anyone who has ever driven over a pothole or had to navigate around a large crack understands that asphalt deteriorates and loses its structural integrity as it ages. Much damage to asphalt over time is caused by external factors, such...
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When you’re looking at a smooth and solid stretch of asphalt, you’d be forgiven for thinking that you can expect that asphalt to last forever. As with any material, though, asphalt is susceptible to wear and tear that can lead to it...
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Nobody wants cracked, crumbling, or sunken concrete on any part of their property, but fully replacing damaged concrete can be time-consuming and expensive. With that in mind, it’s understandable that you may have questions about whether you can repair minor...
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