A budget can be very beneficial in several ways. It allows you to identify or establish:
The greatest benefit of a budget though is to help you maximize profitability and avoid unforeseen repairs and expenses.
The one over looked all too often is capital improvements and this can cost you significantly. Planning for improvements helps you stagger the expense and avoid surprises which usually always lead to more expensive expenses. These funds are commonly referred to as replacement reserves and include:
Always remember to utilize your connections with your service providers. Your vendors can give you cost saving suggestions on possible improvements or services they can provide. Integrity Paving & Coatings usually suggests seal coating, filling large cracks with rubberized asphalt, and repairing holes and broken up areas. All of these methods will help extend the life of your parking lot and save you from replacing in its entirety too soon.
Use your annual budget as a tool and hold quarterly budget reviews with your staff. Your budget can drastically maximize your profits when used as it was intended.
Schedule your free, on-site consultation and estimate today! Call Integrity Paving & Coatings at (512) 853-9009 or get your quote online.